線性代數由哈佛大學教授講授(NTU 是可選補充),
離散(組合)數學由清華大學(中國,QS排名前20)提供。作業中佈置了兩次家庭作業。選取近期(10年內)入學考試題目作為作業題。在截止日期前提交作業後,部分答案將透過電子郵件發送並發佈在論壇上。 (版權歸每位教授和大學所有,免費註冊登入即可查看課程。)
線性代數聖經, 作者:劉獻仁.
離散數學聖經, 作者:劉獻仁.
離散數學, 作者:黃子嘉.
Linear algebra is delivered by Harvard University professor (NTU is an optional complement),
Discrete (combinatorial) mathematics is given by TsingHua University (China, QS top 20 ranking). Homeworks is given twice in assignments. Recent questions ( in 10 years) in entry examinations are choosed as questions in homeworks. After submitting an assignment before the deadline, partial answers will be emailed and posted on the forum. (Copyright is owned to each professor and university. Free registration and login will enable viewing course.)
Circuit & electronics is delivered by MIT professor,
Semiconductor is given by Purdue University ( QS top 90 ranking)(NTU is an optional complement). Homeworks is given twice in assignments. Recent questions ( in 10 years) in entry examinations are choosed as questions in homeworks. After submitting an assignment before the deadline, partial answers will be emailed and posted on the forum. (Copyright is owned to each professor and university, free registration and login will enable view course. )
Introduction (Samsung Inc.): https://youtu.be/Bu52CE55BN0?si=FerDtRf4TsknQPyc
Introdcuction to MIT EECS: https://vizard.ai/share?code=DbeQzK
Week 1: https://vizard.ai/share?code=Pm05io
1.1 Energy band (Purdue University)): https://vizard.ai/share?code=hkaLC3
半導體由普渡大學給予(QS排名前90)(NTU台大是可選補充)。作業中佈置了兩次家庭作業。選取近期(10年內)入學考試題目作為作業題。在截止日期前提交作業後,部分答案將透過電子郵件發送並發佈在論壇上。 (版權歸每位教授和大學所有,免費註冊登入即可查看課程。)
Introduction (Samsung Inc.): https://youtu.be/Bu52CE55BN0?si=FerDtRf4TsknQPyc
Introdcuction to MIT EECS: https://vizard.ai/share?code=DbeQzK
Week 1: https://vizard.ai/share?code=Pm05io
1.1 Energy band (Purdue University)): https://vizard.ai/share?code=hkaLC3
Textbook references:
Silicon VLSI technology : fundamentals, practice, and modeling. Plummer, James D.; Deal, Michael D.; Griffin, Peter B. 2000.
半導體工程 : 先進製程與模擬. Plummer,James D.; 鄭湘元; 李嘉平; Deal,Michael D.; Griffin,Peter B.; 羅正忠.2002[民91]
Semiconductor devices : physics and technology. Sze, S. M.,Lee, M. K. (Ming-Kwei), c2013.
半導體製程與整合 [吳永俊/孫崇哲/顏孝丞等著]
微電子學, 語言:繁體中文,ISBN:67MM003301, 胡建全, 2012/8.